Caroline Oakes

To Be Updated

Our Policy

Everyone has a part to play in ensuring that the young people in netball are safe and getting the most they can from their involvement in the sport.

GGNC adopts the England Netball Safeguarding Young People in Netball Policy and who provides a range of guidance and resources to help safeguard from any risk of harm to young people and to ensure that any vulnerable young people are provided with the best support available. You will find a section on the ENjoy, ENtrust, ENsure pages of the England Netball website, specific to your needs and links to lots of documents you need.

At GGNC we have broadened our definition of safeguarding to include well-being. You will find wellbeing pages on this website which contains useful information regarding wellbeing of both the body and mind.

You can find further advice from England Netball by contacting 01509 277850 or by email

Click here to visit the Anti Bullying Alliance website.

GGNC expects all members, parents and supporters to have read, understood and adhere to our policies and codes of conducts.